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Data Mining & R

Classification in the Presence of Missing Data


Missing data is quite common when dealing with real world datasets. There are several ways to improve prediction accuracy when missing data in some predictors without completely discarding the entire observation. This example shows how decision trees with surrogate splits can be used to improve prediction accuracy in the presence of missing data.

Load Data for Classification

rng(5); % For reproducibility
load ionosphere;
labels = unique(Y);

Partition 70% of the Data into a Training Set and 30% into a Test Set

cv = cvpartition(Y,'holdout',0.3);
Xtrain = X(training(cv),:);
Ytrain = Y(training(cv));
Xtest = X(test(cv),:);
Ytest = Y(test(cv));

Use Bagged Decision Trees to Classify the Ionosphere Data

Bagging (bootstrap aggregating), is an ensemble approach which involves training several weak learners to create a strong classifier.

% Classification Tree is chosen as the learner
mdl1 = ClassificationTree.template('NVarToSample','all');
RF1 = fitensemble(Xtrain,Ytrain,'Bag',150,mdl1,'type','classification');

% Classification Tree with surrogate splits is chosen as the learner
mdl2 = ClassificationTree.template('NVarToSample','all','surrogate','on');
RF2 = fitensemble(Xtrain,Ytrain,'Bag',150,mdl2,'type','classification');

Suppose half of the values in the test set are missing:

Xtest(rand(size(Xtest))>0.5) = NaN;

Predict Responses Using Both Approaches

y_pred1 = predict(RF1,Xtest);
confmat1 = confusionmat(Ytest,y_pred1);

y_pred2 = predict(RF2,Xtest);
confmat2 = confusionmat(Ytest,y_pred2);

disp('Confusion Matrix - without surrogates')
disp('Confusion Matrix - with surrogates')
Confusion Matrix - without surrogates
    67     1
    24    13

Confusion Matrix - with surrogates
    65     3
     4    33

Visualize Misclassification Error

Decreasing value with number of trees indicates good performance.

hold on;
legend('Regular trees','Trees with surrogate splits');
xlabel('Number of trees');
ylabel('Test classification error','FontSize',12);

[hImage, hText, hXText] = heatmap(confmat1, labels, labels, 1,'Colormap','red','ShowAllTicks',1);
title('Confusion Matrix - without surrogates')
heatmap(confmat2, labels, labels, 1,'Colormap','red','ShowAllTicks',1);
title('Confusion Matrix - with surrogates')